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Better Healthcare Planning Benefits Everyone

With Opmed, you're not just creating a schedule; you're building a robust, resilient  plan that can absorb disruptions and boost performance.

“Opmed is a game-changer. The solution provides us with concrete transparent proactive interventions and an improved resource allocation. It also allows us to identify risks in our OR schedule, increase utilization rates, and reduce our operating costs by clearing rooms or reducing staff overtime and agency pay.”

Prof. David Margel | CMO, Raphael Hospital, Israel

“There are many systems that help track daily hospital operations, but Opmed helps us optimize the OR schedule, showing where we can improve and plan appropriately. We are already seeing a significant improvement in our OR operations.”

Dani Engel | CEO, Herzliya Medical Center, Israel

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Test User 1 | Software Developer, X, Israel

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Test User 2 | CEO, X, Israel